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A technocratic or a political government in Italy?

Verantwortlicher Autor: Carlo Marino Rome, 09.02.2021, 19:35 Uhr
Nachricht/Bericht: +++ Politik +++ Bericht 8607x gelesen

Rome [ENA] Italian industrial production fell 11.4% in 2020, ISTAT said on 9th February. Since the start of current recording in 1990, it is the second worst result of Italian economy after a slightly bigger fall following the 2009 financial crash, the statistics agency said. ISTAT said a gradual recovery after the collapse in March and April had suffered a setback in recent months, preventing a return to levels

preceding the COVID emergency. Assisting the Italian economy recover from the brutal COVID recession will be one of the main tasks of the likely next government led by former European Central Bank chief Mario Draghi. Premier-designate Mario Draghi is focusing on a five-point agenda including health, jobs, business, schools and the environment. Draghi met the big parties today after talking to smaller ones Monday - talks in which his potential agenda already took shape. A Draghi government would aim to boost job creation and aid businesses in a virus-exhausted economy that has seen the worst recession outside wartime.

On the environment, Draghi would pursue a greener and more sustainable economy. He would also focus on key structural reforms that have been the subject of repeated recommendations from Brussels, starting with a time-consuming civil justice system that hurts businesses. The suffocating red tape full of executives, usually appointed for political merit and not always for the technical preparation requested for a modern bureaucracy is likely another objective of reform. To help repair the economic and social damage caused by the coronavirus pandemic, the European Commission, the European Parliament and EU leaders have agreed on a recovery plan that will lead the way out of the crisis and lay the foundations for a modern and more

sustainable Europe. At the center of the text that the Draghi government will send to Brussels in order to gain access to the NextGenerationEU stimulus package will be the public administration, justice and tax reforms. All these reforms are necessary to implement rapidly a reliable investment strategy. These reforms and the investments ought to give the necessary boost to economic growth, a keystone also for the gradual repayment of the public debt. But at the moment growth has to combine with two factors: social cohesion and attention to the environment. Subsidies and social safety nets cannot be removed overnight.

The gradual overcoming of emergency measures will take place by focusing on development: public investments, reform of active policies, continuous training will create new jobs. With young people at the center. In conclusion, participants at the talks have said, Mario Draghi would aim to reform the tax system to make it fairer and help foster growth.

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